District 12 Serenity Celebration
District 12 Serenity Celebration Event. Details here
District 12 Serenity Celebration Event. Details here
A monthly zoom call for AMIAS in Area 53. This is an opportunity for Area 53 AMIAS to share ideas, information, and to problem solve. Second Sunday of the month, from 7-8pm. Invites / meeting details sent out to all registered AMIAS by the AAC the week before.
The Houston Intergroup Annual Face-To-Face Event for 2024. Click here for details and registration information
A monthly zoom call for AMIAS in Area 53. This is an opportunity for Area 53 AMIAS to share ideas, information, and to problem solve. Second Sunday of the month, from 7-8pm. Invites / meeting details sent out to all registered AMIAS by the AAC the week before.
Click here for flyer
A monthly zoom call for AMIAS in Area 53. This is an opportunity for Area 53 AMIAS to share ideas, information, and to problem solve. Second Sunday of the month, from 7-8pm. Invites / meeting details sent out to all registered AMIAS by the AAC the week before.
A monthly zoom call for AMIAS in Area 53. This is an opportunity for Area 53 AMIAS to share ideas, information, and to problem solve. Second Sunday of the month, from 7-8pm. Invites / meeting details sent out to all registered AMIAS by the AAC the week before.
Peter C. will be offering an in-person Recertification Training To register: E-mail me4serenity@gmail.com Provide your name, home group and if you are seeking new certification or recertification. Lunch will be provided. Please bring what you wish to drink. Registration Deadline: March 11th. Hosted by Sherika D., District 4 Alateen Coordinator … Continue reading
A monthly zoom call for AMIAS in Area 53. This is an opportunity for Area 53 AMIAS to share ideas, information, and to problem solve. Second Sunday of the month, from 7-8pm. Recurring meeting request sent to all AMIAS periodically. Contact area53aac@gmail.com if you haven't received it.
Recertification training for existing East Texas AMIAS, conducted over Zoom. Multiple sessions are available (check the calendar) - you only need to attend ONE. Before attending the training: Go to the texas-al-anon.org website Go to Members, East Texas, AMIAS: password: anonymity IF you have the Alateen Service e-Manual do not … Continue reading