Meetings for this district are listed below. Use the map to find the meeting nearest you and map directions, or use the table below to search for keywords or sort by meeting name, address, city, or zip code, as well as day of the week. Letters next to meeting time are coded as follows:
E= English, S= Spanish, H= Handicapped Access, B= Babysitting provided, Bgnr= Beginner meeting, Lmt Access= Limited Access
west district 3 printable meeting list- midlandodessa rev12-18-15
GroupName | Address | City, State | Zip | MeetingDay | Time and Codes |
1910 AFG | 206 N.E. 5th St. | Andrews, TX | 79714 | Tuesday | 08:00 PM, E |
12 Step AFG | 206 N Midkiff, Ste 1-C; Young Adults Welcome | Midland, TX | 79701 | Tuesday | 07:30 PM, E, H |
The Serenity AFG | 3100 North A St, Bldg C | Midland, TX | 79705 | Wednesday | 08:00 PM, E |
The Serenity AFG | 3100 North A St, Bldg C | Midland, TX | 79705 | Thursday | 08:00 PM, E |
The Serenity AFG | 3100 North A St, Bldg C | Midland, TX | 79705 | Monday | 12:00 PM, E |
The Serenity AFG | 3100 North A St, Bldg C | Midland, TX | 79705 | Monday | 08:00 PM, E |
The Serenity AFG | 3100 North A St, Bldg C | Midland, TX | 79705 | Friday | 12:00 PM, E |
710 AFG | 710 W Ohio Ave | Midland, TX | 79701-4221 | Monday | 07:00 PM, E |
The Serenity AFG | 3100 North A St, Bldg C | Midland, TX | 79705 | Wednesday | 12:00 PM, E |
Basin AFG | Basin Club, 3610 Golder Ave | Odessa, TX | 79764-6714 | Monday | 05:30 PM, E |
New Day AFG | 4141 Tanglewood Lane | Odessa, TX | 79762 | Tuesday | 05:30 PM, E |
Suburban AFG | Suburban Club, 2433 E 11th St | Odessa, TX | 79761-4232 | Wednesday | 08:00 PM, E |
Suburban AFG | Suburban Club, 2433 E 11th St | Odessa, TX | 79761-4232 | Saturday | 10:30 AM, E |
Suburban AFG | Suburban Club, 2433 E 11th St | Odessa, TX | 79761-4232 | Monday | 08:00 PM, E |
Suburban AFG | Suburban Club, 2433 E 11th St | Odessa, TX | 79761-4232 | Tuesday | 12:00 PM, E |
Valor Para Cambiar GFA | 801 N. Lauderdale | Odessa, TX | 79763 | Tuesday | 06:00 PM, S |
Valor Para Cambiar GFA | 801 N. Lauderdale | Odessa, TX | 79763 | Wednesday | 06:00 PM, S |