- This event has passed.
Acton Groups 11th Anniversary
May 17, 2015 @ 11:30 am - 3:30 pm
Acton AlAnonAAanniversaryflyer
Mark your calendars and plan to come enjoy the good food and fellowship!
“It’s a WE Program”
11th A n n I v e r s a r y C e l e b r a t I o n
Sunday, 17 May 2015
at Acton 12-Step Groups Building
5678 Acton Hwy (Hwy. 4), Acton (Granbury) TX 76049
**event will be held in building and backyard area. Parking on both sides**
Speakers & late lunch provided. (Menu: BBQ, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, fixins, lots of sides,
& delicious desserts.)
11:30 am – Coffee, Tea and Refreshments (also available during speakers)
12:15 pm – Al Anon Speaker: Andrea J. (Granbury Promises AFG)
1:15 pm – A. A. Speaker: Jerry G. (Harbor Group, Ft. Worth)
2:15 pm – Buffet Lunch is served
**Archival display will be presented by Neta (Archive Committee)**