Chair Report

Q1 Report

In with the old – and with the new!

Members are working very actively on Texas East Area initiatives to consider some enhancements to the way we do things.  We are especially excited about the upcoming Spring Area Assembly May 17-19, 2024, in Longview, TX.  District 10 is our host district, and they are putting together a very fun event. 

Most exciting is that GRs will be able to vote electronically!  (Of course, paper voting will still be available if that is your preference.)

All members are invited to the Area Assembly.  This is YOUR Area.  Please come and make it your own.  Your input is of vital importance.  We want to hear your perspective.

In with the old:

Previously, GRs were expected to read The Beacon, our Area newsletter, prior to the Assembly to know what is going on and to prepare.  At the upcoming Assembly, the District Representatives (DRs), Area Coordinators and Area Officers will give short oral reports. That way, you can get to know these trusted servants, and they will have the opportunity to develop confidence in their public speaking skills, which is an important part of leadership.

In with the new:

Here are a few of the Area initiatives under way:

1.      A committee is considering electronic payment options for the Area to make it easier for all members to make 7th Tradition contributions (It will be so nice to forego getting ATM withdrawals for cash contributions!)

2.      The Beacon has become a very serious publication in our Area.  A committee is reconsidering its place in the functioning of our Area and thinking of fun ways to lighten it up. 

3.      A separate committee is considering how and to whom the Beacon is distributed electronically now that it is no longer printed.   – How do we get it out there?

4.      The Area uses spreadsheets to do its accounting now.  A committee is considering converting the accounting to a software application like QuickBooks, so the Area’s books are permanent.

5.      Currently, the Area World Service Committee (AWSC) meets four times a year.  Two of those meetings occur on weekends that are not during Assembly weekend.  To reduce travel costs for the Area and to increase attendance, a committee is considering how we might offer a hybrid option at the stand-alone AWSC meetings.

6.      A policy is actively being developed by another committee to deal with situations when Al-Anon groups in our Area are painting way too far outside of the lines (aka egregiously not following Al-Anon Traditions).  This policy will only affect whether a group is listed in the World Service’s (WSO’s) online meeting list search.  Using the policy will not be required; it will only be a tool. 

7.      Another committee is coming up with ways to help GRs and other members prepare for the Area Assembly so they feel more comfortable participating in discussions and can make more informed decisions.  Workshops and podcasts are being considered for this.

8.      TEA AC and POSSE are Alateen initiatives.  A committee comprised of Alateen sponsors is considering how these initiatives function, how they report and who the signees on their checking accounts will be.

9.      Due to the stringent qualification requirements for Texas East Area Officers, we had very few candidates available to fill the 5 positions during elections at the Fall Area Assembly.  A committee is considering how we might open things up a bit.

10.  The idea of “Putting a dollar in the basket” as a 7th Tradition contribution has essentially become part of the Al-Anon culture even though this is often preventing groups, districts and our Area from being financially self-supporting.  One dollar in 1951 at Al-Anon’s inception is equivalent to about $12 today.  A committee has been formed to consider ways this culture might be changed.

These new initiatives will take time, research and lots of listening.  For that, we want to consider as many perspectives as possible.  Yours, in particular. 

Thank you for the opportunity to serve!

Love in service,


Texas East Area Chairperson

Peggy Tate

Area Chair, Panel 64

Texas East – Area 53

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