If your life has been affected by someone else’s drinking, we can help you. The only requirement for Al-Anon membership is that there be a problem of alcoholism in a relative or friend.
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About Al-Anon
Volunteer in the greater Fort Worth area
Request a Speaker via Public Outreach
Meeting List
While every effort is made to keep our area Meeting List up to date, the World Service Office (WSO) maintains official meeting records. You can search via the WSO meeting finder for in-person and electronic and telephone meetings, in English and Spanish, worldwide.
Al Anon también da la bienvenida a personas que hablan Español. Algunas reuniones de grupo se llevan a cabo en español y tenemos literatura en español. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con liaisonfwais@gmail.com (Alberto) o busque en Reuniones de Al Anon en español.
For current groups with meeting changes: Please update via the WSO Group Records link.You will need the group Name and WSO ID number. Fort Worth and Arlington groups are part of Texas West area. If you do not have that info, your District Rep has it, or Texas West Area 54 Group Records Coordinator (Agnes) has kindly offered to help. If you prefer to call her: 214-783-5126. We draw meeting information directly from WSO, so when that is correct, it will be correct when accessed via the FWAIS Al Anon page.
FWAIS Guidelines
The Fort Worth Al-Anon Information Service (AIS) serves the Fort Worth, Arlington, and surrounding communities (excluding the Dallas area). Note that Al-Anon & Alateen meetings will need to be registered with the Al-Anon World Service Office (WSO).
Member Sharing
Greater Dallas Area Al-Anon Information
Texas State Al-Anon Information
FWAIS Meeting Minutes (password protected)
Phone answering service lists (password protected)
The Serenity Prayer
God, Grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Contact Information
For Al-Anon group meeting schedule changes, please contact World Service Office Group Records. Our information pulls from the WSO records, so once that is correct, it will be correct when searched via FWAIS. For corrections or changes to content on this page, please contact fwaiswebsite@gmail.com
PO Box 470856Fort Worth, TX 76147-2492817-336-2492
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